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Examination of the Local Plan and latest news

Latest News

Attending the Hearing Sessions

Following the recent public consultation carried out between 15 January 2024 and 12 April 2024 on the council’s response to the Inspector’s Initial Findings (received November 2022), as part of the Examination process, Stage 3 Local Plan examination hearings sessions will be held in June and July 2024.

The hearing sessions will take place in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall.

All of the stage 3 hearings sessions will be live streamed online. Please head to to view the live streams. Once the hearing sessions have concluded, they will be available to view under the webcast library. If you experience any issues viewing the live streams, please let us know and explain the issue you are experiencing via

If you are attending the hearing sessions in person, the Town Hall address is as follows:

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
Town Hall
Mount Pleasant Road
Royal Tunbridge Wells

Please note due to refurbishment works at the Town Hall, access arrangements will be as follows:

Week 2: The hearing sessions for week 2 will be held from Tuesday 16 July to Thursday 18 July 2024 in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall, Royal Tunbridge Wells.  Access will be via the entrance at Civic Way (shown by the purple dot on the map below) or the disabled access entrance at Monson Way (shown by the blue disabled access sign on the map).

For disabled access, once at the entrance at Monson Way, please ring the buzzer and a member of staff will guide or direct you to the Council Chamber.

Parking: If you are driving to the Town Hall to attend the hearing sessions, please use the Crescent Road Car Park (shown in green on the map below).

 Crescent Road Car Park Map

Following the Stage 3 hearing session held on Thursday 18 July, it is confirmed that the ‘reserve’ session programmed for Wednesday 24 July in the Hearing Programme dated 17 July 2024 (Version 10), is not required, and the hearing sessions will therefore not take place on 24 July.

Further details about the hearing session schedule (dates/times), relevant Matters, Issues and Questions, participation and other information can be found using the following links:

Please note that the hearing session previously scheduled in the Hearing Programme dated 04 July 2024 (Version 9) for Wednesday 24 July covering Matter 8 Issues 1-3 (housing requirement, meeting housing needs and five-year housing land supply, continuation of hearing session held on 20 June 2024) has been amended to a ‘reserve’ session.

The Hearing Programme, Version 9 dated 04 July 2024 includes the addition of a morning hearing session on 24 July 2024. This hearing session will be a continuation of the discussion on Matter 8 Issues 1-3 (housing requirement, meeting housing needs and five-year housing land supply) which took place on 20 June 2024..

The Hearing Programme, Version 8 dated 16 June 2024 includes the addition of Issue 8 to the hearing session on Paddock Wood (16th July), and an additional hearing session for Submission Local Plan allocation policy AL/RTW16, to take place on the 18th July.

The Stage 3 Matters, Issues and Questions have been updated to include an additional Issue and Question at Matter 4 – The Strategy for Paddock Wood. This new Issue and Question is Matter 8 Question 1 relating to Green Belt Exceptional Circumstances.

Stage 3 Hearing Statements for Matters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8 (Week 1 Hearings 18 to 20 June 2024) can be found in the drop-down list below. Hearing Statements for Matters 4, 6 and 9 (Week 2 Hearings 16 to 19 July 2024) will be published in due course.

Further details about the recent public consultation on the council’s response to the Inspector’s initial findings can be found on the Consultation on the council's response to the Inspector's initial findings webpage.

Local Development Scheme (LDS)

The LDS was updated in June 2024: LDS June 2024. It sets out the timescales for the remaining stages for the production and adoption of the new Local Plan, as well as of other planning documents that the council expects to prepare over the next three years. Further details about the LDS can be found on Local Development Scheme webpage.


Click on a heading below to open and view the content in that section.

Matthew Birkinshaw BA(Hons) Msc MRTPI has been appointed by the Secretary of State as the Planning Inspector for the examination of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Local Plan 2020 - 2038.

The Inspector's task is to consider the soundness of the submitted Plan. The Inspector will also consider whether the Local Plan meets the requisite legal and procedural requirements. In order to do so, the Inspector will assess the Local Plan, the evidence base on which it was created, as well as all of the representations submitted during the public consultations.

The Programme Officer undertakes the administration of the examination under the direction of the Planning Inspector and all communications are handled by the Programme Officer.

The Programme Officer is Charlotte Glancy.

Contact details

Postal address

Programme Officer
C/O Banks Solutions
80 Lavinia Way
East Preston
West Sussex
BN16 1DD

Publication of Inspector’s Agenda for Matter 4: The Strategy for Paddock Wood – Hearing Session to be held Tuesday 16 July 2024

The Inspector has issued an agenda for the Matter 4 Paddock Wood Hearing Session (see document ID-020).

Publication of the Council’s Introduction to the Local Plan Examination Stage 3 Hearing Sessions 18 June 2024

The council gave an opening speech to the Stage 3 Hearing Sessions, on 18 June 2024 (see document TWLP_147 below).

Publication of Inspector’s Response to Greg Clark, MP Letter Dated 26 April 2024 – Document ID-019

This letter provides a reply to Greg Clark, MP following receipt of Letter dated 26 April 2024 relating to Policy AL/RTW19 (Land at Hawkenbury).

Letter from Greg Clark, MP – April 2024

Publication of letter sent to the Inspector by Greg Clark, MP dated 26 April 2024 regarding Policy AL/RTW19 (Land at Hawkenbury) - Document REP-1457-002

Councils' response to the Initial Findings – March 2024

The Council formally responded to the Inspectors Initial Findings on 28 March 2024 (see document TWLP_115 below).

Council Next Steps Update – March 2024

The Council provided a Next Steps update to the Inspector on 19 March 2024 (see document TWLP_114 below). The letter provides an update on a new Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) being prepared on behalf of the Council, and an update on the Public Consultation being carried out for the Council’s response to the Initial Findings letter, received November 2022.

Inspector's Letter – February 2024

The letter is a response to the Council’s update letter dated 11.01.24 (TWLP_113), which set out, amongst other matters, how the Council intends to deal with the recent change in the Government’s Planning policy for traveller sites (‘PPTS’). More specifically, the change in definition of gypsies and travellers contained in Annex 1. The Inspector’s letter advises that a new GTAA will be required as part of this examination. The Inspector is not seeking any representations or correspondence on this specific issue at this stage.

Council Next Steps Update – January 2024

The council provided a Next Steps update to the Inspector on 11 January 2024 (see document TWLP_113 below). Full Council approved the Council’s response to the Inspector’s Initial Findings Letter (received November 2022 – see document ID -012 below) at its meeting on 13 December 2023 and that the response (which includes a revised development strategy to that proposed in the Submission Local Plan) shall proceed to a six week public consultation, to begin January 2024. The update to the Inspector sets out that the consultation will begin Monday 15 January and run until midnight on Monday 26 February 2024. It also updates the Inspector on other matters, including Gypsy and Traveller accommodation provision and changes to the National Planning Policy Framework published on 19 December 2023.

Council Next Steps Update – November 2023

The council provided a Next Steps update to the Inspector on 26 September 2023 (see document TWLP_112 below). The Planning & Transportation Cabinet Advisory Board (P&T Cab) Report has now been published in advance of the meeting on the 13 November 2023. Following this meeting, the Report will proceed to Cabinet on 7 December 2023, and Full Council on 13 December 2023.

An updated Core Documents list is available – this includes links to the Evidence Base documents supporting the Report.

Council next steps update to the Inspector

Turnden, Cranbrook - Decision by Secretary of State and Council's Response - May 2023

Publication of Secretary of State’s decision following a ‘Call in’ Public Inquiry held in respect of planning application reference 20/00815/FULL (submission version Local Plan Site Allocation Policy AL/CRS 3 - document TWLP_108).

The Council has written to the Inspector concerning land at Turnden Farm, Cranbrook (submission version Local Plan Policy AL/CRS3). The letter and decision are available to view from the examination library (examination documents TWLP_108 and TWLP_109). At this stage, the Inspector is not seeking any representations from interested parties on either the Council’s latest position or the decision made by the Secretary of State. However, opportunities will be provided for participants to make any comments on this, and other aspects of the Plan, in due course in accordance with the published timescales.

Publication of Inspector’s Response to Greg Clark, MP Letter Dated 27 February 2023 – Document ID-014

This letter provides a reply to Greg Clark, MP following receipt of Letter dated 27 February 2023 relating to Kipping's Cross roundabout.

Letter from Greg Clark, MP – February 2023

Publication of letter sent to the Inspector by Greg Clark, MP dated 27 February 2023 regarding Kippings Cross roundabout – Document REP-14570-001.

The letter relates to highways mitigation proposals for Kippings Cross submitted to the examination.

Publication of Inspector’s Response to Greg Clark, MP Letter Dated 27 February 2023 – Document ID-014

This letter provides a reply to Greg Clark, MP following receipt of Letter dated 27 February 2023 relating to Kipping's Cross roundabout.

Inspector's Letter - January 2023

Publication of Response to Councils Letter Dated 22 December 2022 – Document TWLP_106.

The letter provides a reply to the Council’s initial response following receipt of the Inspectors initial findings (Document ID-012). The Inspector is not seeking any comments from participants at this stage but invites the Council to respond to questions raised.

Council next steps response to the Inspector

Inspector’s Initial Findings Letter – November 2022

The letter sets out the Inspector’s initial findings following the Examination hearing sessions. The Inspector is not seeking any comments from participants at this stage but invites the Council to consider the issues raised and the suggested ways forward. Updates will be provided in due course, including the next steps for the Examination.

Additional notes and documentation has been added to the examination website as requested by the Inspector at the hearings in July 2022. At this stage the Inspector is not seeking any comments or representations on the additional documents. Instead, further information, including the next steps for the examination, will be published in due course by the Inspector.

Publication of revised Hearing Programme, Stage 2, June to July sessions with Participants - 14 July 2022

Publication of revised Hearing Programme, Stage 2, June to July sessions with Participants - 12 July 2022

Publication of revised Hearing Programme, Stage 2, June to July sessions with Participants - 01 July 2022

Publication of revised Hearing Programme, Stage 2, June to July sessions with Participants - 23 June 2022

Publication of revised Hearing Programme, Stage 2, June to July sessions with Participants - 13 June 2022

Publication of Virtual Examination Guidance

Update from Inspector 10 June 2022

One of the Council’s team has today tested positive for Covid and thus cannot attend in person next Tuesday or Wednesday (and possibly Thursday if still testing positive after 5 days). The Council has exhausted all other possibilities of continuing with the in person sessions.

Rather than delay the sessions until a future date, the decision has therefore been made to defer to virtual sessions using ‘Zoom’, which will operate in the same way as the virtual sessions already planned for hearing sessions running from 21 June. Further details and joining instructions will be issued to participants as soon as possible.

Public Observation of the hearing sessions will remain online on the Council’s YouTube channel.

Publication of agendas for Day 7 (Tudeley Village) and Day 8 (Paddock Wood) - 6 June 2022

Publication of revised Hearing Programme, Stage 2, June to July sessions with Participants - 9 June 2022

Publication of revised Hearing Programme, Stage 2, Days 4-6 with updated Participants (Version 3) - 24 May 2022

Publication of revised Hearing Programme, Stage 2, Days 4-6 with updated Participants - 24 May 2022

Publication of revised Hearing Programme, Stage 2, Days 4-6 with updated Participants - 23 May 2022

Publication of Stage 2 Matters 2-5 Hearing Statements - 18 May 2022

Hearing Statements for Matters 2 to 5 (Week 2) can be viewed under the drop down heading Stage 2 Hearing Statements Weeks 2-4 below. Hearing Statements for Matters 6 to 9 (Weeks 3 to 4) will be uploaded in due course, when received from the Programme Officer.

Publication of revised Hearing Programme, Stage 2, Days 4-6 with Participants - 18 May 2022

Publication of revised Stage 2 Matters, Issues and Questions - 22 April 2022

Publication of revised Guidance Note, Hearing Programme and Stage 2 Matters, Issues and Questions - 14 April 2022

The Inspector has issued revised documentation for the Stage 2 part of the Local Plan Examination, these including a revised Guidance Note, revised Stage 2 Hearing Programme and revised Stage 2 Matters, Issues and Questions. They can be viewed below.

Publication of a Public Notice detailing Stage 2 Examination hearing dates - 12 April 2022

Under Regulation 24 of the Local Planning Regulations (2012, as amended), a Public Notice has been published setting out the dates, times and location of the Stage 2 Examination hearing sessions. The Public Notice can be viewed below.

Update from Inspector 7 April 2022

A post hearing letter from the Inspector (ID-08) has been published below. This letter sets out the Inspector’s decision to proceed to Stage 2. The documents mentioned in Paragraph 2 of the letter are published as PS-025PS-023 and PS-024. As stated in paragraph 3 of the letter, we are now working to agree dates for Stage 2. The relevant public notices will be published and a revised stage 2 programme when dates are agreed.

The Inspector has issued an agenda (ID-07 - set out below) for the additional Duty to Co-operate hearing session scheduled for 29 March 2022.

The Inspector has published a letter (ID-06 - set out below) regarding the Stage 1 hearings. This will have an impact on the programming of Stage 2 of the examination.

In light of the additional information and the invitation to respond, the Inspector has extended the deadline for submitting hearing statements for Stage 2. For the hearing session currently scheduled to take place on Thursday 24 March 2022, the deadline for submitting statements remains the same - Tuesday 15 March 2022. However, for hearing sessions due to take place in Week 3 of the examination (Tuesday 29 March – Friday 1 April 2022), the deadline for submitting hearing statements has been extended to Friday 18 March 2022.

Publication of the Inspector’s Guidance Note, Hearing Programme and Matters Issues and Questions

The Inspector has published his Examination Guidance Note, Hearing Programme and Matters Issues and Questions.

The Examination Guidance Note provides further information on the procedural and administrative arrangements for participants in the Examination, including relevant deadlines and how to contact the Programme Officer.

Please note that some typographical errors have been amended since version 1 of ID-04 was issued. The timetable itself has not been amended.

Publication of a Public Notice detailing Examination hearing dates

Under Regulation 24 of the Local Planning Regulations (2012, as amended), a Public Notice has been published setting out the dates, times and location of the Examination hearing sessions. The Public Notice can be viewed below.

If you have any queries on these documents, please direct them to the Programme Officer.

Those wishing to view the Examination hearing sessions are encouraged to do so online.

The Stage 1 hearing sessions (weeks 1 and 2) were held between Tuesday 1 March and Thursday 3 March and Tuesday 29 March 2022 in the Council Chamber and may be viewed via

Revised Stage 2 hearing sessions were held between Wednesday 25 May and Tuesday 19 July 2022.

The hearing sessions held on Wednesday 25 May to Friday 17 June (weeks 3 and 4) and Tuesday 5 July to Friday 8 July 2022 (week 6) were conducted in Committee Rooms A & B.

The hearing sessions held on Tuesday 21 June to Friday 24 June (week 5) and Tuesday 12 July to Tuesday 19 July 2022 (weeks 7 and 8) were conducted via Zoom.

All Stage 2 hearing sessions may be viewed via Tunbridge Wells Borough Council’s YouTube channel. The streams for past sessions will be saved on the YouTube channel and will be added to the Stage 2 hearing sessions playlist.

Please see the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Hearing Programmes for the full timetable.

Stage 3 hearing sessions will be held in two parts, Tuesday 18 June to Thursday 20 June and Tuesday 16 July to Friday 19 July 2024 (with Thursday 18 (pm) and Friday 19July and Wednesday 24 July being reserve sessions).

All Stage 3 hearing sessions will be live streamed and may be viewed via

If you experience any issues viewing the live stream, please let us know and explain the issue you are experiencing via'

Please see the latest Stage 3 Hearing Programme (document ID-018) for the full timetable.

At the examination hearing session on Tuesday 1 March 2022, the Inspector asked the Council to provide minutes of meetings between Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and Maidstone Borough Council. The Inspector also invited the Council to provide summaries of the meetings held as part of the 'Strategic Sites Working Group'. This information has now been provided. Should participants wish to make any comments on the additional information, this should be done in writing by Friday 11 March 2022. Additional comments should only relate to the further information provided.

Should any changes be required to the scheduled hearing programme, participants will be notified in writing with updates provided through the examination website.

For information

Matter 1

Additional statements from absent participants from Matter 1 Hearings

Matter 2

Matter 3

Matter 4

Matter 5

Matter 6

Matter 7

Matter 8

Matter 9

Matter 7

Matter 10

Matter 11

Matter 12

Matter 13

Matter 14

Matter 15

Additional notes and documentation has been added to the examination website as requested by the Inspector at the hearings in July 2022. At this stage the Inspector is not seeking any comments or representations on the additional documents. Instead, further information, including the next steps for the examination, will be published in due course by the Inspector.

NB During the course of the Stage 2 hearing sessions, the Inspector also asked (as Action Points 7 -11) for certain documents to be made available. These documents are contained under ‘Examination Post-Submission Evidence Base Documents’.

Stage 3 Local Plan examination hearing sessions will take place in two parts in June and July 2024 on the following dates, (with the final three dates being reserve sessions):

  • Hearing Day 1: Tuesday 18 June 2024 (Morning session 10am to 1pm; afternoon session 2pm to 5pm)
  • Hearing Day 2: Wednesday 19 June 2024 (Morning session 9.30am to 1pm; afternoon session 2pm to 5pm)
  • Hearing Day 3: Thursday 20 June 2024 (Morning session 9.30am to 1pm; afternoon session 2pm to 5pm)
  • Hearing Day 4: Tuesday 16 July 2024 (Morning session 10am to 1pm; afternoon session 2pm to 5pm)
  • Hearing Day 5: Wednesday 17 July 2024 (Morning session 9.30am to 1pm; afternoon session 2pm to 5pm)
  • Hearing Day 6: Thursday 18 July 2024 (Morning session 9.30am to 1pm; Reserve session (if needed) afternoon 2pm to 5pm)
  • Hearing Day 7: Friday 19 July 2024 (Reserve session (if needed) Morning session 9.30am to 1pm; afternoon 2pm to 5pm)
  • Hearing Day 8: Wednesday 24 July (Reserve session (if needed) Morning 10am to 1pm; afternoon 2pm to 5pm)

Hearing sessions will be held physically (in-person) at the Town Hall, Mount Pleasant Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1RS and live streamed via the council’s website (

Please see the latest Stage 3 Hearing Programme (document ID-018) for the full timetable.

This is the full list of Matters, Issues and Questions for the Stage 3 hearings.

Hearing Statements for Matters 4, 7 and 9 (Week 2 Hearings 16 to 19 July 2024) will be published in due course.

Matter 1

Matter 2

Matter 3

Matter 5

Matter 6

Matter 8

Matter 4

Matter 7

Matter 9

In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and guidance from government, the Planning Inspectorate has published guidance on site visits, hearings, inquiries and events.

You can view the guidance on the GOV.UK website.