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Planning Performance Agreements

We now offer the opportunity for applicants to enter into a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) with us. This service will initially be offered to applicants progressing applications for major development within the Strategic Sites (land at Paddock Wood and east Capel; and Tudeley Village) and large and complex developments within Royal Tunbridge Wells of 100 dwellings/10,000 square metres floorspace or more. This service sits alongside our existing pre-application advice service.

A PPA provides a framework which brings together parties to agree how a development proposal will be taken forward through the planning process. It is a project management tool which local planning authorities and applicants can use to agree timescales, actions and resources for handling particular applications. More information is provided on the government’s Planning Practice Guidance webpages.

Importantly, no PPA will fetter the Council in exercising its statutory duties as local planning authority. It will not prejudice the outcome of planning (and related) application(s) or the impartiality of the Council. It is important there is no perception that because an applicant has entered into a PPA the likely recommendation for the proposal will be that it is granted planning permission.

We recognise that the successful delivery of development projects requires good working relationships with developers, communities and other stakeholders. Improved communication and transparency can help reduce delays, provide accurate and timely advice and set realistic time frames for determination. PPAs can deliver such benefits to all the parties involved including the local planning authority, the applicant and the community.

Planning Performance Agreement Charter

You can find a link to our PPA Charter below. The Charter sets out how we will work with applicants, statutory consultees, the community and other stakeholders to ensure that strategic and complex development schemes are carefully considered in a collaborative, transparent and proactive manner. It establishes Tunbridge Wells Borough Council’s commitment to the use of PPAs, suggests when it might be appropriate for their use, clarifies the responsibility of key parties and provides guidance on the process of developing a PPA.

All parties involved in a PPA with us are expected to adhere to the Planning Performance Agreement Charter 2021.

Setting up a Planning Performance Agreement

If you would like to discuss whether a PPA would be appropriate for your development, please contact either the Development Manager or Strategic Sites Team Leader at or 01892 526121.