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Order new or replacement bins

Use this service to order replacement household waste or recycling bins. You can also let us know about broken bins that need fixing or unwanted bins that you would like removed.

Before you start

Complete this form to:

  • tell us about a damaged bin
  • request a new or replacement bin
  • ask us to collect an unwanted bin

Start now

Damaged bins

If your bin is damaged please make sure you leave it somewhere our crew can see it.

Where possible we will repair damaged bins. If we cannot repair the damage we will replace the bin.

Damaged boxes, outside food caddies and sacks will be replaced as it is not possible to repair them.

Please note, we do not replace dirty bins, it is your responsibility to keep your bins clean.

Missing bins

You can put household waste out in black sacks for collection while you are waiting for a bin to be replaced.

Dry recycling can be put out for collection as long as it is contained either in a box or tied up with string.

It is not possible to put out garden waste for collection while you are waiting for a bin to be replaced.

Request a larger or smaller bin

If your bin is too large or small you can ask for it to be changed.

Requests for a larger or smaller bin will be considered on a case-by-case basis and a decision made based on individual circumstances.

All requests must be emailed to and include the following:

  • your name, address (including postcode) and telephone number
  • the type of bin you would like changed (for example, green refuse bin)
  • how many people live at the property
  • why you need a larger or smaller bin

Your request will be reviewed and a decision made. We will contact you if we need further information.

Black sacks

If your property receives a black sacks collection service, please complete our online form to let us know you haven't received your scheduled delivery of sacks.