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Your Council Tax

For the year 2025/26

Find out what your Council Tax pays for and how your bill is calculated.

Most of the Council Tax we collect from you is used for services that are provided by Kent County Council, Kent Police and Crime Commissioner and Kent Fire and Rescue Service plus some is used by the parish and town councils.

Only 9% of what you pay is used to fund borough council services, which on average is 58p per day.

Here is a breakdown of each £ collected and where it goes

  • Kent Police 12p
  • Parishes 3p
  • Kent Fire and Rescue Service 4p
  • Tunbridge Wells Borough Council 9p
  • Kent County Council 72p

What you get for 58p a day

  • Cleaner streets
  • Recycling and waste collection
  • Community safety and CCTV
  • Parks and play areas
  • Leisure centres and sports activities
  • Summer events and festivals
  • Planning and building control
  • Environmental, health and safety inspections
  • Food hygiene ratings for local food businesses
  • Assembly Hall Theatre
  • Online services – from paying bills to reporting
  • Fly-tipping removal
  • The Amelia Scott cultural centre
  • Running elections
  • Housing needs service
  • Licensing of taxis and premises
  • Ice rink
  • Community grants

Referendum Limits

Although Council Tax is set locally by democratically elected local members at a public meeting of Full Council, the Secretary of State has the power to set a limit above which a referendum must be held. For 2025/26 the limits allowed Kent County Council to increase their Council Tax by up to 5 per cent.

Kent Police and Crime Commissioner have a limit of £14 which is 5.5 per cent increase over the previous year.

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC) has a limit of 3 per cent increase over the previous year.

Kent Fire and Rescue Service have a limit of £5 which is 5.6 per cent increase over the previous year.

There are no set limits of increasing Council Tax for parish and town councils.

The table below summarises, for each Council Tax band, the amount of Council Tax allocated to each of the organisations described above.

Kent County Council (incl. adult social care precept) Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Kent Fire and Rescue Service Total Council Tax (excluding Special Expenses and parish precepts)

This section gives you a breakdown of our income and expenditure.

In line with the rest of Local Government, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council’s financial position remains sound but which significant challenges from demand and inflation pressures while income is relatively fixed at 3 per cent, creating a widening budget gap. The level of Council Tax increase reflects the need to deliver the Council’s priorities and statutory services, and to strike the right balance with fees and charges and
Council Tax payers.

After over a decade of austerity and with negligible levels of Revenue Support Grant from the Government, the council has had to operate on a very lean base. The council has successfully rebalanced its finances following the impact of the pandemic without the need to draw on reserves.

The government has developed a universal benchmark indicator called ‘Spending Power’ to measure the revenue available to provide local services. Tunbridge Wells Borough Council has one of the lowest levels of Spending Power in Kent at just £285 per household and therefore must continue to reconsider the range and quality of services it must provide and those it chooses to provide.

The average general Council Tax for a Band D property will be £150.60 for 2025/26 across the borough.

The borough council also provides certain services in Capel, Southborough, Royal Tunbridge Wells and Rusthall for the benefit of those residents for which the council levies a ‘special expenses’ charge only on Council Tax payers in those respective areas. This expenditure is included in the council’s revenue budget.





Tax Rate
Band D

Capel 0 2 2 2.47
Royal Tunbridge Wells 2,5741232,697 130.82
Rusthall 1121112375.70
Southborough 0 2828 6.29




Tax Rate
Band D

Capel 0 33 2.54
Royal Tunbridge Wells 2,6851342,819134.79
Rusthall 11611 12777.97
Southborough 0 29 296.47

The amount of Council Tax you pay will vary where Parish and Town Councils have issued a precept to the borough council.


Tax Rate Band
D dwelling


Tax Rate
Band D dwelling

Benenden 49,750 51.95 52,000 53.90
Bidborough 71,970 127.84 76,970 136.31
Brenchley and Matfield 140,000 90.47 145,500 92.69
Capel 87,500 91.11 101,000 104.25
Cranbrook and Sissinghurst 386,712 139.35 416,277 145.90
Frittenden 17,000 41.17 17,000 40.24
Goudhurst 227,000 168.14 243,900 176.44
Hawkhurst 256,113 119.21 269,000 123.18
Horsmonden 125,510 114.41 127,330 113.67
Lamberhurst 62,475 83.09 64,975 84.83
Paddock Wood 861,559 233.17 903,490 235.92
Pembury 264,564 113 297,500 125.97
Rusthall 95,000 58.55 127,000 78.01
Sandhurst 94,435 151.66 105,000 165.78
Southborough 690,533 155.69 728,246 161.59
Speldhurst 225,680 91.72 245,361 99.52

Click here for parish council contact details and town budget information (opens in a new window)

Parish and Town Precepts (exceeding £140,000)

Brenchley and Matfield

  2024/25 Gross Spending £000's 2024/25 Net Spending £000's 2025/26 Gross Spending £000's 2025/26 Net Spending £000's
Street Lighting    2 2
Recreation    59 56
Other Services    102 99
Transfer to/(from) reserves     -12
Total   163145

Cranbrook and Sissinghurst

2024/25 Gross Spending £000's 2024/25 Net Spending £000's 2025/26 Gross Spending £000's 2025/26 Net Spending £000's
Street Lighting 19 19 20 20
Recreation 125 101 126 101
Other Services 348 272 396 315
Transfer to/(from) reserves   (5)   (20)
Total 492387542416


2024/25Gross Spending £000's 2024/25 Net Spending £000's 2025/26 Gross Spending £000's 2025/26 Net Spending £000's
Street Lighting     
Recreation 81 69 94 78
Other Services 207 199 208 200
Transfer to/(from) reserves   (40)   (34)
Total 288228302244


2024/25 Gross Spending £000's 2024/25 Net Spending £000's 2025/26 Gross Spending £000's 2025/26 Net Spending £000's
Street Lighting 11 11 16 16
Recreation 42 30 34 27
Other Services 234 215 251 226
Transfer to/(from) reserves     
Total 287256301269

Paddock Wood

2024/25 Gross Spending £000's 2024/25 Net Spending £000's 2025/26 Gross Spending £000's 2025/26 Net Spending £000's
Street Lighting 2 2 2 2
Recreation 561 534 518 506
Other Services 344 325 420 395
Transfer to/(from) reserves     
Total 907861940903


2024/25 Gross Spending £000's 2024/25 Net Spending £000's 2025/26 Gross Spending £000's 2025/26 Net Spending £000's
Street Lighting 5 5 7 7
Recreation 129 123 147 141
Other Services 162 124 170 129
Transfer to/(from) reserves   13 20 20
Total 296265344297


2024/25 Gross Spending £000's 2024/25 Net Spending £000's 2025/26 Gross Spending £000's 2025/26 Net Spending £000's
Recreation 470 418 538 462
Other Services 468 272 489 266
Transfer to/(from) reserves     
Total 9386901,027728


2024/25 Gross Spending £000's 2024/25 Net Spending £000's 2025/26 Gross Spending £000's 2025/26Net Spending £000's
Recreation 35 34 39 38
Other Services 192 192 207 197
Transfer to/(from) reserves    (10)
Total 227226246225
2024/25 Spending £000's 2024/25 Per Head £2025/26 Spending £000's2025/26 Per Head £
Tunbridge Wells BC Budget (Net) 15,156131.4515,299132.69
Town and Parish Precepts 3,65731.723,92134.01
Financed by Government Grants 5,14644.634,92242.69
Financed by Collection Fund Surplus/(deficit) 870.7500
Financed by Council Tax 13,580117.7814,298124.01

Summary of Revenue Budget

These figures exclude the re-allocation of overhead costs, including support service costs, departmental administrative costs and fixed asset depreciation charges to front line services. The ‘Other Services’ heading includes corporate management and a contingency provision.

2024/25 Gross Spending £000's2024/25 Income £000's2024/25 Net Spending £000's2025/26 Gross Spending £000's2025/26 Income £000's2025/26 Net Spending £000's
Financial Services 6,175-7,207-1,3026,589-7,637-1,048
Shared Services 27,329-24,9992,33026,864-24,3792,485
Housing, Health and Environment 14,745-8,2396,50615,380-9,1086,272
Economic Development 2,156-1,5695874,632-3,717915
Planning and Building Control 2,969-1,8061,1633,1131,9061,207
Other Services 11,750-4,4177,33312,540-5,2617,279
Budget sub-total65,124-48,23716,88769,118-52,00817,110
Capital Adjustments 325 325235 235
Interest  -2,056-2,056 -2,049-2,049
Transfer to/(from) Reserves   0   
Net budget requirement65,449-50,29315,15669,353-54,05715,296

Your bill will tell you what band you are in and how much you need to pay. Council Tax is calculated based on your band and the area of the borough you live in.

2025/26 charges

ParishBand ABand BBand CBand DBand EBand FBand GBand H
Brenchley & Matfield£1,532.99£1,788.49£2,043.99£2,299.49£2,810.49£3,321.49£3,832.48£4,598.98
Cranbrook & Sissinghurst£1,568.47£1,829.88£2,091.29£2,352.70£2,875.52£3,398.34£3,921.17£4,705.40
Paddock Wood£1,628.48£1,899.89£2,171.31£2,442.72£2,985.55£3,528.37£4,071.20£4,885.44
Royal Tunbridge Wells£1,561.06£1,821.24£2,081.41£2,341.59£2,861.94£3,382.30£3,902.65£4,683.18

Check your band

12 monthly payments

Council Tax is normally spread over 10 monthly instalments. If you wish to pay your bill over 12 monthly instalments please see our change your bill frequency page.

Direct Debit

Paying by secure Direct Debit is the simplest and easiest way to pay your bill.

  • you can pay over 10 or 12 monthly instalments, pay the full amount in one go or pay half yearly
  • sign up online and choose either the 1st or 15th of each month to make your payment
  • you will need your bank details and your Council Tax account number

Set up a Direct Debit


You can pay your Council Tax securely through our online payments site.

To make a payment online you will need:

  • a debit or credit card (Visa and Mastercard only)
  • your nine digit Council Tax account number

Pay online

Telephone payments

Payments can be made securely on our automated telephone payment line.

Telephone: 0800 023 7086

Please follow the prompts to make your payment. You will be given a transaction number when your payment is successfully completed.

Bank transfer or standing order

You can make payment through your own online banking by transferring payment to the Council's account or by setting up a regular standing order.

Please ensure you quote your nine digit Council Tax account number on all payments.

Our bank details are:

Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account name: Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
Sort Code: 30-00-02
Account Number: 01396914 
IBAN: GB02LOYD30000201396914

Cash payments

Cash payments can be made using the payment kiosk at The Amelia Scott in Tunbridge Wells.

Allocation of payments

If you have outstanding Council Tax arrears for a previous year, and your payment does not match the amount outstanding on the current year, your payment may be allocated towards the arrears rather than where you intend. You will need to contact us to let us know which year your payment is for.

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council facts and figures for 2024:

  • Our Housing team worked with partners to prevent around 185 households from becoming homeless over the last year and helped 123 homeless households to secure suitable accommodation.
  • The Bereavement Services team at the Kent and Sussex Crematorium supported over 2,000 families with bereavement services.
  • In Planning and Building Control we:
    • dealt with over 2,678 planning applications in 2024
    • received 469 pre-applications
    • processed 528 applications for works to Protected Tree
    • processed 174 applications for works to a Listed Building
  • At the Assembly Hall Theatre we sold 104,878 tickets for shows in 2024.
  • Our Community Safety and Support team has continued to maintain and monitor 52 CCTV cameras across the borough. The CCTV control room covers our Kent Police area and works very closely with Shopsafe and the Pubwatch Business Crime Reduction Partnership.
  • At The Amelia Scott we have welcomed over 400,000 visitors in 2024, that's around 1,100 visitors a day.
  • We had over 3 million page views on our website and 76,000 online forms submitted.
  • We sent over one million weekly emails to our subscribers.
  • We delivered over 220,000 copies of Local Magazine to households in the borough.
  • The borough supports a wide network of biodiversity sites, including 10 sites of special scientific interest, 60 local wildlife sites, 16 sites of local nature conservation value, 13 roadside nature reserves and four local nature reserves. The borough has 5,391 hectares of ancient woodland.
  • Tunbridge Wells borough has just under 90,000 electors living in around 50,000 properties.