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Supplementary Planning Documents and other guidance

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPGs) are non-statutory documents that are used to supplement policies and strategies set out in other statutorily produced documents, such as the Local Plan.

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High Weald AONB Management Plan 2024 – 2029

The High Weald AONB Management Plan is the single most important document for the AONB.

The Management Plan is a statutory document which defines the natural beauty of the AONB and sets out a twenty year strategy supported by five-year action and investment priorities for conserving this nationally important landscape.

The Plan provides a means by which all public bodies can judge, and be judged on, their duty to seek to further conservation and enhancement of the natural beauty of the AONB.

It also provides a guide for residents, businesses and visitors on the actions they can take to help safeguard this special area.

High Weald Design Guide

This guide provides clear, practical and consistent advice on design expectations for new housing development within the AONB, to help ensure higher quality and landscape-led design that reflects intrinsic High Weald character, and is embedded with a true sense of place.

High Weald Planning Advice Note

The Planning Advice Note aims to assist all those involved in development proposals – including decision-makers, developers and their agents as well as members of the public – consider the impact of the proposed changes on the AONB.

High Weald Dark Skies Planning Advice Note

The High Weald Dark Skies Planning Advice Note has been prepared in collaboration with the 15 local authorities in the High Weald, and aims to support those objectives of the AONB Management Plan which seek to protect the dark skies of the High Weald.

The Planning Advice Note is a technical piece of guidance, aimed specifically at helping Local Authority planning officers to assess lighting proposals in the High Weald, and help planning policy teams consider dark skies in their policy formulation and site allocations. The Advice Note should also help scheme designers to submit well-informed and place-appropriate lighting proposals.

High Weald Colour Study

This study documents the existing colours in the High Weald landscape and provides advice on what colours can be used in new development to help to integrate it into the landscape successfully. Includes detailed colour palettes as well as advice on recommended materials and suppliers.

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