Representations and next steps
Earlier stages
All duly-made representations to the Issues and Options Consultation, Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) and Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) have been screened, uploaded and subsequently summarised in the following documents:
- Issues and Options Consultation Statement October 2017
- Consultation Statement for Draft Local Plan (Reg18) September 2019
- Consultation Statement for Pre-Submission Local Plan (Reg 19) March 2021
The Submission Local Plan, Sustainability Appraisal, and Submission Core Documents along with the Consultation Statement for the Submission Local Plan (Part 1 and Part 2 October 2021) were submitted to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination on 1 November 2021. Further detail is available on the Examination of the Local Plan and latest news webpage.
Consultation on the council’s response to Inspector’s Initial Findings (January – April 2024)
The council undertook a public consultation between 15 January 2024 and 12 April 2024, focussing on the proposed changes to the Submission Local Plan following the Inspector’s Initial Findings in November 2022. Further details about this consultation can be found on the Consultation on council's response to inspector's initial findings webpage.
View details of the Representations received in response to this consultation. Summary tables of the representations received to the most recent consultation in response to the Inspector’s Initial Findings which include the council’s response to the representations can be viewed under the Submission Local Plan and Core Documents webpage (see Post Initial Findings Evidence Base Documents PS_077a to 077i).
Consultation on New Evidence Base Documents (September - October 2024)
To support the emerging Local Plan which has been at Examination since November 2021 (and most recently subject to Stage 3 examination hearing sessions), the Council has produced new and additional evidence base documents. These include a new Tunbridge Wells Gypsy, Traveller, and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Needs Assessment (GTAA) 2024-2039, Final Report June 2024 (Version 2), and other documents supporting a revised development strategy for the Local Plan – these include supporting highways, education, infrastructure, and other associated documents.
The Council consulted on these new and updated evidence reports, and people were invited to make comments during a six-week public consultation from Wednesday 11 September 2024 to midnight Wednesday 23 October 2024, further details of which can be found on the consultation on New Evidence Base documents webpage
The representations made to the recent New Evidence Base Documents consultation can be viewed on the representations from the consultations webpage.
Next steps
The Inspector examining the Local Plan will conduct an additional Stage 3 hearing session to discuss the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation needs and anything else arising from the most recent public consultation on the additional evidence base documents on Thursday the 14th of November 2024, with a reserve day on Friday the 15th of November.
For the latest news and further details of the Stage 3 hearing sessions schedule, relevant Matters, Issues and Questions, and participation details, please visit the council’s examination of the Local Plan and latest news webpage.
The overview webpage sets out the remaining stages in the production of the Local Plan, and further details are also available in the Local Development Scheme (LDS). The LDS sets out the remaining stages and timescale the adoption of the Local Plan, expected to be during March – May 2025.