The Core Documents List sets out all documents submitted, along with the Submission Local Plan, to the Secretary of State for Examination. As the Examination has progressed, this Core Documents list has and will continue to be updated with links provided on this page. A link to the index of core documents is provided below.
Following the Local Plan examination hearings in 2022 and in response to the Inspector’s Initial Findings a number of further evidence documents were produced. In addition, summary tables of the representations received to the consultation on the Council's response to the Inspector’s Initial Findings were produced and included the council’s response to the representations.
Further new Evidence Base Documents for Stage 3 hearings and for the purpose of the public consultation (held from 11 September to 23 October 2024) were also published.
Following the final Stage 3 Hearing Session held in November 2024, the Council is now consulting on proposed ‘Main Modifications’ to the Local Plan (held from Monday 17 March until midnight on Wednesday 30 April 2025), these being needed to make the Plan ‘Sound’ and allowing the Council to proceed to adopt the new Local Plan in due course. The proposed ‘Main Modifications’ are accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulation Assessment and other supporting consultation documents. All consultation documents relating to the Main Modifications consultation can be viewed on the Consultation on proposed Main Modifications to the Local Plan webpage.
Index - Core Documents List (opens in new window)
All documents can also be found using the drop-down list below.