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Key stages

The Hawkhurst Neighbourhood Plan, which was Made by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council on 26 March 2018, this has undergone a series of minor modifications that were approved by Cabinet on 16th April 2020 (Agenda Item 8).

View the Modified Version on Hawkhurst Parish Council’s website

Referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan

On 8 February 2018, the Hawkhurst Neighbourhood Plan Referendum was held. In response to the question:
“Do you want Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Hawkhurst to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”, the number of votes cast responding 'YES' was 1,138. The number of votes cast in responding 'No' was 111. As more than 50 per cent of those that voted chose ‘Yes’, the Plan will proceed to Full Council, recommending that the Neighbourhood Development Plan be ‘made’ (adopted as part of the statutory development plan for the area.

changes made up to here

Consultation on Modifications and Decision to go to Referendum
A further period of public consultation was subsequently completed pursuant to Regulation 17A. The borough council considered all representations made and concluded that no further changes were required and that the Plan could proceed to referendum.

Consideration of Examiner’s report, recommendations and recommended modifications
Considered by the borough council leading to a decision to further modify the Plan.

Publication of the Examiner’s Report

30 January 2017
The Examiner, Mrs Rosemary Kidd MRTPI, recommended that the Neighbourhood Plan be modified in order to proceed to referendum.

Submission of the Neighbourhood Plan
Hawkhurst Parish Council submitted the Neighbourhood Plan to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council under Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

The borough council duly consulted on this Neighbourhood Plan under Regulation 16.

Designation of Hawkhurst Parish as a Neighbourhood Area

Hawkhurst Parish Council applied to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council for the designation of a neighbourhood area under The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. The area proposed covers the whole of the parished area of Hawkhurst and is the first step for Hawkhurst Parish Council in preparing a Neighbourhood Plan.

The borough council approved the neighbourhood area on 04 April 2014.

The following document is available for viewing: