Call-in flow chart
Member’s attention is drawn to a particular application (for example, Member sees application on the Weekly List, or has set up an email alert to be notified about applications on a particular site and receives an email, or the Parish or Town Council or a Constituent approaches the Member about that application).
Discuss the application with the Case Officer or Development Manager. Discussions can include whether negotiation is taking place/is going to take place, the potential recommendation (if known at that point) and potential reasons for a call-in.
If following these discussions, the Member wishes to call-in the application, this needs to be set out in an email to within five weeks (35 days) of the validation date in accordance with the Constitution.
A request to call-in will be acknowledged by email. No decision under delegated powers will be made until further communication.
The relevant officer will discuss the call-in with the Head of Planning / Development Manager. If the call-in is agreed as valid then officers will reply to the Member via email to confirm. The computer software is updated to ensure that a decision is not issued under delegated powers.
Withdrawal of call-in
If a Member decides to withdraw the call-in, please advise via the call-in email (for example, concerns have been addressed in amended plans), and there have been no other call-ins:
- If this is within the five weeks from the validation date, then no decision will be made until the expiration of that date;
- If it is outside the five week validation date, then the application will be determined under delegated powers.
- If the application has been called-in by another Member, it will be reported to Committee in due course.
Please note: due to the administration involved, officers cannot advise other Members when a call-in has been withdrawn. For this reason, Members should not rely on the fact that an application has already been called-in: if a Member considers an application should be determined by Committee they should call it in regardless of others’ call-in.
Planning Committee
The application will be reported to Planning Committee; Members should remain in contact with the constituents about the call-in to help them with the process leading up to and in the meeting and confirm to Democratic Services who will be speaking at the meeting.