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Visitor vouchers

Virtual visitor vouchers are available in the permit zones A, B, C, D, HA, HB and PW.

If your address is eligible within one of these zones, you can purchase visitor vouchers.

Before you start

  • you will need to use your existing parking account or create a new account as part of the application process
  • you will need a debit/credit card (Visa/Mastercard) to make the payment
  • you will need to upload proof of address as part of the application process
  • vouchers can be purchased in blocks of either 10 full days or 20 half days (four hours)
  • vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of issue
  • you can purchase a maximum of 50 full days in any 12-month rolling period

Proof of address:

  • current Council Tax bill showing the permit holder's name and full postal address.
  • utility bill dated within the last 12 weeks showing the permit holder's name and full postal address.
  • tenancy agreement with a start date in the last 12 weeks showing the permit holder's name and full postal address.
  • confirmation letter of property purchase from solicitors, dated within the last 12 weeks, confirming date of sale, and showing the permit holder's name and full postal address.

Please note, we are no longer able to accept bank statements as proof of residency.

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