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Candidate and Agent briefings

There will be two Candidate and Agent briefings for the May 2025 Kent County Council (KCC) elections.

One briefing will be held online and the other in-person at the Town Hall in Tunbridge Wells. Candidates and agents only need to attend one of the briefings.

Briefings will be held on:

  • Monday 10 March, 6pm, in-person at the Town Hall
  • Wednesday 12 March, 6pm, online via Microsoft Teams

Booking onto a briefing

To book onto a briefing session, please email and include your name, political party (if any), and which briefing you would like to attend.

Alternatively, please call the Elections team on 01892 554024 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) to book a space.

Nomination papers

Nomination papers for each division will soon be available to download on this page.

The Electoral Commission offers guidance regarding the completion of nomination papers for an election. Please refer to their guidance (opens in a new window) or seek your own legal advice before completing a set of nomination papers.

Submitting nomination papers

Candidates and election agents can submit completed nomination papers from 10am on Monday 24 March 2025 and every working day thereafter between 10am and 4pm. Nominations close at 4pm on Wednesday 2 April 2025.

We would strongly encourage candidates and agents to submit their nomination papers for an informal check before submitting them. Nomination papers can be emailed to for an informal check.

Candidates and election agents can contact the Elections team to book an appointment to submit nomination papers. Appointments can be made by email to or by calling 01892 554024 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).