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What our priorities are and how we are doing

Corporate priorities

Each year the Council sets out a list of priority projects, known as Corporate Priorities, which we want to achieve, to bring us closer to our vision of the borough as a key destination to live, work and visit.

Strategies and plans, performance, indicators, audits, inspections and reviews

This section covers information about the Council's strategies and plans, performance, indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.

Please note that all the information in this table has no fees or exemptions.

InformationDefinitionWho How to access

Strategies and Plans

Performance Indicators

Audits, Inspections and reviews

Audit Committee

Service Plans and Strategies

Strategies, business plans and internal codes, policies, practices etc for services provided by the Council

Indicators used by the Council to measure overall organisational performance

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Website, phone,
Annual Reports

Council Annual Report

This report summarises the Council's past performances and its intentions.

Over the last year the Council has made significant progress and delivered a wide range of exciting projects and service improvements, which are highlighted within the report.

The Annual Report will help the Council to deliver:

A useful summary of Council performance.

A method of communicating with residents and encouraging community involvement.

The provision of financial information in a summarised format.

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Website, phone,
Strategies and business plans for services provided by the council Strategies, Business plans and internal codes, practices etc for services provided by the Council Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Phone,
Review of actions from Economic Strategy Possible action to take and methods of moving forwards from the Economic Strategy Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Website, phone,

Strategic Compass and Vision 2026 plan

Vision 2026 is the Council's long term vision for the Borough. It is the overarching framework for the Council's plans and strategies, in keeping with our strategic compass, sustainable community strategy and local development framework.

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Website, phone,

Strategies developed in partnership with other authorities

Business Partnerships and Forums

Partnerships and joint arrangements including strategies developed in partnership with other authorities, organisations etc Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Phone,
Forward Plans The key decisions, the Council expects to take during the next four months Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Website, phone,

Capital Strategy

Council Finances

The detailed Revenue Budget is complied within the parameters set by the Financial Strategy and is informed by public consultation and the views of the Scrutiny Committee Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Website, phone,
Equality Impact assessments

Comprehensive Equality Policy and Scheme

Information to show how we will tackle inequalities in the context of our local priorities and how we comply with our responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010).

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Website, phone,