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Council performance

Performance management is important to ensure the Council is delivering the best that it can for borough residents and visitors. Taxpayers expect the Council to deliver its key priorities and day to day services in the most efficient and effective way possible, and managing performance is one of the ways in which it can do this.

The Council’s performance is reported to Cabinet on a quarterly basis. These reports include updates on the corporate priorities and present how the Council is performing against its key performance targets.

Copies of these reports can be located within the relevant committee agenda on the democracy database.

Local Government Association (LGA) peer challenge report and recommendations

During October 2016 the Local Government Association conducted an on-site peer challenge assessment of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, which looked at how well the Council was performing across five main areas of activity.

This assessment was provided free of charge by the LGA, of which Tunbridge Wells Borough Council is a member, and their subsequent report on the assessment, and the recommendations for improvement they have made to us is now available at the relevant Cabinet committee agenda where the report was discussed.