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Nature conservation and wildlife sites

The borough contains a number of nationally, regionally and locally important sites designated for their wildlife or geological importance. These sites are shown on the Local Plan Proposals Maps.

Local Nature Reserves and Community Woodland

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council can in consultation with English Nature designate and manage Local Nature Reserves. They are habitats of local or regional significance that make a useful contribution to both nature conservation and to the opportunities for the community to learn about and enjoy wildlife.

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)

SSSIs are designated by Natural England. They are nationally important sites recognised for the flora and fauna, geological or physiographical (landform) features.

Local Wildlife Sites (formerly Sites of Nature Conservation Interest)

The Kent Wildlife Trust has identified Local Wildlife Sites which, whilst not of national status, have a county-wide significance. Each site identified provides a diverse range of flora and fauna meriting careful conservation. For further information, contact the Kent Wildlife Trust.

Sites of Local Nature Conservation Value (SLNCV)

These are sites that have been assessed to be of importance to local communities where, especially in urban areas, they can afford direct contact with nature.

In addition, both the RSPB and the Kent Wildlife Trust own and manage wildlife reserves independent of any planning designations and details of these can be found on the websites of these organisations.