Listed buildings
Tunbridge Wells has in the region of 3,000 separate buildings listed as being of special architectural or historic interest.
They represent a finite resource and an irreplaceable asset: therefore their protection, proper repair and sensitive alteration is of great importance.
Open our heritage map to search for and view the locations of listed buildings in Tunbridge Wells.
Copies of the statutory list for Tunbridge Wells Borough Council can be seen at The Amelia Scott in Tunbridge Wells or through Kent County Council's Historic Environment Record.
It is a criminal offence to carry out works to a listed building without consent.
Listing protects the whole building, both inside and out. Some structures, which would not normally be considered to be buildings, can also be listed. Walls, statues and pavements are common examples.
If you own a listed building and wish to make alterations, please see the listed building consent page in our planning support services section for further information. You can also find helpful guidance to owners of listed buildings on the Your Home section of Historic England's website.
Pre-application advice is available if you would like to have an informal response from the Council before submitting a listed building consent application.
Energy efficiency and historic buildings
Historic buildings, including listed buildings, are always able to accommodate some appropriate measures to make them more energy efficient. Historic England has published a guidance note with further advice on the various measures that can be taken, and what may need consent.
Further information
Find out more about listed buildings, their categorisation and criteria for inclusion on the Historic England website. Advice on research, repairs and alterations can be found in the Your Home section. Historic England have produced a short video on their listed building consent web page on listed building consent, which explains when it and planning permission may be required for works to a listed building.
You can also find further advice in the additional links provided on this page.
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