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Public Transport Forum

The purpose of the group is to enable representatives to engage together in a constructive forum to consider and recommend actions on public transport issues, in order to achieve the aims and objectives of the Borough Council, Kent County Council and local rail and bus providers.

The Forum has no decision-making powers.

Membership of the Forum

Representatives of the Access Group, Kent County Council, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, bus, train and taxi operators, Parish and Town Councils and other user or local community groups.

The Borough Council nominates two Borough Councillors as representatives to attend the meetings.

However, any other Council Member is welcome to attend and speak on specific issues providing they have given prior notice to the Chairman.

Other representatives are welcome to attend the Forum provided that they are acting on behalf of a relevant group, organisation or body.

The group will give careful consideration to all such requests.

Forthcoming Meetings

The next Public Transport Forum will be held in Q1 of the 2023/24 financial year. A date and invite will be sent to members of the Forum as soon as arrangements are in place.