Gambling premises
Before you apply
Before applying for a gambling premises licence you'll need to apply for an operating licence. These are licensed by the Gambling Commission. To apply for an operating licence visit their website.
If you already hold one you can continue with your application.
After granting the gambling premises licence, gambling facilities can then be added to the premises.
Premises that can be licensed for gambling include:
- Adult entertainment centres
- Betting shops/tracks
- Bingo halls
- Casinos
- Family entertainment centres
Apply for a licence
Applications for the grant, or variation of a premises licence must be advertised in the two following ways:
firstly, by displaying a notice in at least one place at or on the site of the premises concerned for not less than 28 consecutive days starting on the day on which the application is made to the licensing authority.
The notice must be displayed in a place where it can be conveniently read by members of the public from the exterior of the premises.
Secondly, by publishing a notice in a local newspaper on one occasion during the period of 10 working days starting on the day after the day to 10 working days in which the application was submitted to the licensing authority.
Within 7 days of the application being made, notice of the application on the prescribed form must also be given to the relevant responsible authorities: Please refer to the list of responsible authorities for further details of the notification requirements for the various types of application.
If the premises are situated partly in another local authority, the application must also be served on that licensing authority.
You'll need to download and fill in the gambling premises licence application form and send it to:
Council Offices
TN13 1GP
Renew my licence
Licences are issued for one year and are renewed yearly. You won't need to fill in a renewal application form, we will invoice you shortly before the licence expires. The fee for renewing the licence will vary depending on the type of premises you have. Your licence will be renewed automatically following payment.
Current licence fees
Please visit our Licensing fees and charges page to see our current licence fees.