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Street trading and market stalls

You must have Street Trading Consent to sell goods or provide a service in public.

For the purposes of street trading, streets are labelled as ‘prohibited’ or ‘consent’ streets. ‘Prohibited’ streets cannot be traded on, ‘consent’ streets can be with a licence. The location of prohibited and consented streets in Tunbridge Wells can be found in our Street Trading Policy. The policy also includes a map.

You will need the following to apply for Street Trading Consent:

  • A completed and signed application form
  • The application fee
  • Where the proposed activity will take place at a fixed position, a map of at least 1:200 scale should be submitted clearly identifying the proposed location by marking the site boundary with a red line
  • Two colour photographs of the trading unit showing different level of the unit
  • A copy of the certificate of insurance covering third party and public liability risks to the level of £5 million
  • 2 colour passport photographs of the applicant

Apply for consent

Please see our fees and charges page for further details.

View our fees and charges

Failure to comply with conditions may lead to revocation of a consent.

Failure to comply with the conditions (as set out in the act) may lead to a removal of a consent or prosecution under paragraph 10 of Schedule 4 of our Street Trading Policy.

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