Domestic abuse
What is domestic abuse?
Behaviour is abusive if it consists of:
- physical or sexual abuse
- violent or threatening behaviour
- controlling or coercive behaviour
- economic abuse
- psychological, emotional or other abuse.
It can happen in family or romantic relationships. It is wrong, and there are services available to support you.
How the police can help you
If you are in immediate danger at any time of the day or night you should dial 999 to ask for Police assistance. In a non-emergency you can call the police on 101.
If you can’t speak out loud, you can press 55 so that the operator knows you need help. If you need to, the option to video call is available to communicate in BSL. This option is free. Simply visit the 999 BSL website or download the 999 BSL app.
Kent Integrated Domestic Abuse Service
The Kent Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (KIDAS) offer a person-centred, holistic range of support services to victims and their families in Kent, with support available including;
- Safe refuge accommodation
- Specialist Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) support
- Community Outreach Services
- Therapeutic and group programmes (e.g. Freedom Programme)
- Sanctuary provision (adaptations to make the home safer)
- Assistance with legal issues including seeking court orders and access to legal advice.
- Emergency welfare assistance for clients in crisis (food, energy, travel)
In Kent and Medway contact Victim Support to access domestic abuse services for an assessment and referral to your local service. To contact Victim Support:
- Call: 0808 168 9111 (open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
- Use the live chat.
For those with hearing or communication impairments use the Relay UK app or contact them in BSL.
In West Kent Lookahead is the lead Service Provider for KIDAS.
SAFER scheme
The SAFER scheme is the Kent countywide offer of sanctuary for survivors of domestic abuse, to support survivors to feel safe and remain in their own homes.
The commissioned provider of the SAFER scheme in Kent is 24/7 locks, who have been commissioned to:
- carry out security risk assessments
- provide professional security advice
- fit security upgrades in the homes of domestic abuse survivors
- improve home security
- enable referred service users to feel safer in their homes.
If you are a professional working with a survivor of domestic abuse, refer them to SAFER scheme (where eligible) to get advice on securing property and an installation. You may also refer them to get support for the abuse they have or are facing. This also includes children.
To be eligible for the SAFER scheme:
- the person must be aged 16+, live in Kent and has a need to stay in the local area
- they are not living in temporary or emergency accommodation
- the perpetrator does not live in, or have legal access to, the property
- it must be identified as the safest and most appropriate support, consented to by the survivor
- the landlord or property owner has given consent for the works to be conducted (some social landlords have given blanket consent)
- referrals can only be made by a professional on behalf of a survivor.
To make a referral complete the SAFER Scheme referral form.
If you would like to go to a refuge (a temporary safe place to live for you and your children) call the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247.
Support is also available from Woman’s Aid.
The Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Service (DAVSS), is our local community based charity supporting male and female victims of domestic abuse in West Kent.
ManKind offers a helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence across the UK and provide an information, support and signposting service to men suffering from domestic abuse from their current or former wife, partner (including same-sex partner).
Their helpline is open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm
- Freephone 0808 800 1170 (will not show on your bills)
- Helpline 01823 334 244 (for those with inclusive minutes)
Look Ahead Men's IDVA and Domestic Abuse Advocacy Service (MIDAAS) offers domestic abuse support across Kent and Medway for men and those identifying as men. This support may be from an Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) or from a domestic abuse worker depending on a clients individual circumstances and current risk level.
Their helpline is open Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm
- Contact number: 0333 010 4660
- Email:
Dads Unlimited
Dads Unlimited provide domestic abuse support for men and male-survivors across England and Wales.
For more Information
The Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Referral Pathway gives you more information about domestic abuse, support services and tools to keep you safer.