A few facts from last year

Working with partners we prevented around171 households
from becoming homeless over the last year and helped 69
homeless households to secure suitable accommodation.
Planning and Building Control
planning applications dealt with in 2022. We received: 495
Pre-applications, 509
applications for works to Protected Trees, 199
applications for works to a Listed Building. 1 million views
of planning application documents online.
Assembly Hall Theatre
We sold89,716 tickets
for shows in 2022.
Community Safety and Support
The Council maintains and monitors43 CCTV cameras
across the borough. The CCTV control room covers our Kent Police area and works very closely with Shopsafe and Pubwatch Business Crime Reduction Partnership.
The Amelia Scott
We have welcomed215,321 visitors
since opening on 28 April 2022
about 1,000 a day.

Bereavement Services
The Kent and Sussex Crematorium supported over2,000
families with bereavement services in the past year.
4.8 million
page views on our website.
deliveries of Local Magazine.
weekly emails to subscribers.