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Frequently asked information requests

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council receives regular Freedom of Information requests for information about the borough.

As many of these requests are for similar information we are now making the following commonly requested data available electronically:

  • Council Tax and business rates data sets
  • Public health funerals data sets

Notes about the data

  • all data sets will be updated in January, April, July and October each year

For the Council Tax and business rates data sets:

  • the ratepayers name and correspondence address will only be shown for companies and other organisations
  • if the ratepayer is an individual those fields will be blank as required by the Data Protection Act
  • the ratepayer is responsible for paying the rates but may not be the owner of the property, you can find out who owns a property from the Land Registry
  • our property reference number is also used by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) which values property for rating purposes

All business properties

This list includes all properties in the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council area that are subject to Business Rates.

The data includes property reference and address, ratepayers name and correspondence address, date the ratepayer became liable, rateable value and description.

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Business rates credits

This list includes accounts that have a credit balance. The data includes the credit amount and the financial year it relates to. If you think you are entitled to an amount in this list you will need to provide proof of your entitlement and your bank account details to enable a refund to be made.

Council Tax credits

Details of credits on residential properties where a commercial company is liable to pay the Council Tax.

Public health funerals

These funerals (known as Section 46 Funerals) have been arranged by us for someone who has died who does not have any family.