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Mayor's charity

Wellbeing in the Weald - logo

For her charity for the municipal year, she has chosen Wellbeing in the Weald, which is based in her hometown of Cranbrook.  The charity focuses on building social connections by offering support and activities to those living in the town and surrounding villages and rural areas, and who for whatever reason are finding life difficult.

Nancy revealed her reasons for the choice:

Life has a habit of throwing us curve balls; we are presented with challenges we did not expect and which are very painful to cope with.  I, like many others, have experienced the slow decline and loss of a loved one through the cruelty of dementia.  In battling with my own reactions to this I found strength in the love of others around me.  

I have experienced the anguish of many parents whose children struggle with the weight of expectation put upon them, and have learned, through the guidance of others, how to create a safe space for them to step into, to share their worries and to help them learn how to build their own resilience.  

And through my husband’s experience of a terminal brain cancer diagnosis, I too am still learning; that life is sweet, that the world around us is incredibly beautiful and that every day is to be treasured.

Most of all I am learning how vital human connections are in helping us through all this; we need each other, we need to know where to turn and we need to not be afraid to ask for help.

This is why I am delighted that Wellbeing in the Weald have agreed to be my Mayor’s charity for the year, as I am in awe of the dedication and commitment of the small group of trustees and volunteers who offer support and regular activities for people in our rural community.  They create opportunities for people to come together: to share their thoughts, to form new friendships and to learn new skills. In so doing not only are their physical and mental health and wellbeing improved, but new bonds are forged, bridges are built and the whole community is strengthened.

I would encourage everyone in the borough to help me by supporting Wellbeing in the Weald and help them build on the wonderful work they do.

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