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Young People Partnership Conversation

I attended the Young People Partnership Conversation, Tunbridge Wells, on Tuesday 15 June. This was hosted by Esther Leigh-Hollands, the Youth Hub Delivery Manager – Tunbridge Wells, a unit located in Tunbridge Wells of Kent’s Children, Education and Young People Service. Among others Maja and Jake, represented the voices of young people.

The meeting addressed local priorities particularly following about 18 months of unusual conditions caused by the COVID-19 virus, as well as introduce us to KCC Reconnect – 'helping to reconnect Kent’s children and young people to the things they’ve missed during the pandemic' (see the it's time to reconnect website).

I express gratitude to the Hub for all that it does to assist our young people in addressing issues that concern their health and welfare, as well as the representative of young people themselves, for expressing their views.  This is what my mayoral theme for the year 2021/22 is about—The Rising Generation—hearing the voices of our young people and allowing them to hear what the older generation is doing in response.

Young Peoples Partnership Conversation