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Pay a fixed penalty notice

If you have received a fixed penalty notice (FPN), you can make your payment securely or send in your dispute against it online.

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How much is the fine and when does it have to be paid?

Type of FPN Amount to pay Days to pay *
Depositing litter £150 14
Failure to produce waste documents £300 28
Failure to produce authority to transport waste £300 28
Failure to comply with a household waste receptacles notice £80 28
Failure to comply with a commercial or industrial waste receptacles notice £110 28
Graffiti and/or fly posting £150 28
Unauthorised distribution of free printed matter £150 28
Failing to remove dog faeces £100 14
Rough sleeping (where ASB is occurring) £100 14
Begging (where ASB is occurring) £100 14
Amplified noise (where complaints are received) £100 14
Unlawful deposit of waste £400 28
Exposing vehicles for sale on a road/repairing vehicles on a road £100 28
Vehicles abandoned £200 28
Dogs not on leads £100 14
Dogs in excluded area £100 14
Breach of CPN £100 14
Littering from vehicle £150 28
Householder Duty of Care£40028

* Please note that the days to pay are the number of days you have to pay, starting from the date the FPN was issued.

What happens if I do not pay my FPN?

Paying the FPN gives you the chance to discharge liability for the offence. If you choose not to pay, you may be taken to court by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council.

Disagree with the fine?

If you disagree with the FPN, there is no formal right to appeal other than for ‘littering from vehicles’ or 'failure to comply with a household waste receptacles notice’.

If you feel you have a reason why we should cancel your fine, you can contact us within the payment period of receiving the notice. This is known as 'making a representation'.

What happens if you write to us?

When we receive a representation, we will put the FPN on hold while we review it.

If we agree with your statement, we will cancel the FPN and let you know we have done so.

If we disagree, we will let you know and you will have seven days to pay the FPN.

Sending a representation

If you are unable to use the 'start now' button above, you can post your representation to:

Fixed Penalty Notice Department
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
Town Hall
Royal Tunbridge Wells
Kent TN1 1RS

Please include the fixed penalty notice reference number in any correspondence you send.