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Unpaid penalty charge notice

Bailiff Reform - Important Information if you have an unpaid parking fine

From 6 April 2014, all Bailiff Action and the fees that can be charged, are governed by the Tribunals Courts & Enforcement Act 2007 and are made transparent in this document.

Under this new legislation, the word 'Bailiff' is now replaced with 'Enforcement Agent' (EA).

The new legislation also means that there has been a significant increase in the EA charges for parking fines.

We encourage you to pay the fine before it is necessary for us to instruct the EA to recover the debt.

As soon as the EA receives our instruction, and before any work has started, your outstanding debt automatically increases by £75.

Under the new legislation, there are three stages in the EA recovery schedule and the fees are fixed and set by government:

  • Stage 1 - Compliance Stage Fee: £75
    This fee is due as soon as the case is received by the Enforcement Agent and covers all activity up to commencement of the Enforcement Stage.
  • Stage 2 - Enforcement Stage Fee: £235
    (plus 7.5% of the value of the original debt which exceeds £1500)
    This fee covers all activity from the first attendance at the premises in relation to the instruction.
  • Stage 3 - Sale Stage Fee: £110
    (plus 7.5% of the value of the original debt which exceeds £1500)
    This fee becomes payable as soon as a case has reached this stage and covers all activity to be undertaken.