Time In activity packs
Time In activity packs have recently been delivered to vulnerable and isolated residents across the borough.
The activity packs contain everything needed to relieve boredom, and encourage creative and mental activity to support wellbeing and engagement during this difficult time. Different Time In packs have been created to appeal to children, adults and families and include items such as drawing paper, felt tip pens, colouring pencils, glue sticks, seeds, and puzzles.
The first Time In activity packs were delivered to Ryder House, a supportive housing project run by the YMCA in Royal Tunbridge Wells for young people aged 16-24 years old, Dowding House, Paddock Wood, which provides emergency housing for homeless families, and to the Russell Hotel, Royal Tunbridge Wells where a number of previously homeless people are currently in temporary accommodation due to the coronavirus crisis. Packs are also being distributed to young people and their families in the borough through Salus and the St Giles Trust.
The Time In activity packs initiative is a collaborative project between Tunbridge Wells Borough Council’s Culture, Health and Housing teams, the Community Safety Unit and partners including Town & Country Housing, St Giles Trust, KCC’s Early Help, Salus, and Age UK.
Councillor Carol Mackonochie, Portfolio Holder for Communities and Wellbeing, said:
Over one hundred activity packs have already been delivered and the project aims to deliver a further 100 boxes in the coming weeks. By receiving this gift from the community, it is hoped that recipients will feel heard, visible and valued which will support self-esteem, self-expression and wellbeing.