Royal Victoria Place Development Manager
Development Manager appointed for Royal Victoria Place
When the Council purchased Royal Victoria Place in 2023 Ely Court and Palm Court were identified as parts of the shopping centre that could be considered for different uses and regeneration.
Following an open tender process the Council has now appointed RivingtonHark as its Development Manager to carry out a feasibility study to identify the development options for the Ely Court and Palm Court areas of the centre, for example the introduction of leisure activities. The feasibility study will also look at what improvements could be made across the whole centre to make it more attractive to visitors and shoppers and promote economic growth.
Councillor Justine Rutland, Cabinet Member for Economic Development said: ‘I am very pleased we have appointed RivingtonHark as development manager for Royal Victoria Place. Since buying the long leasehold interest we have begun to stabilise the centre, and now we are in a position to look forward. RivingtonHark will be seeking the views of residents, businesses, and other interested groups which will help us consider the steps we need to take to further enhance the centre for the benefit of visitors and businesses.’
RivingtonHark will report back to the Council on a regular basis before producing a final recommendations report early in the new calendar year.
With a successful track record of over 25 years as development and asset managers RivingtonHark is already familiar with Royal Victoria Place having been appointed to manage the centre when the Council acquired it last year.