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Local validation requirements

Local list of validation requirements

Please also see below for additional information that may be necessary to enable the council to determine your application efficiently. If such information is not submitted the council may decide to refuse the application due to a lack of supporting information. More information can be found on Making an application on GOV.UK.



Air Quality Assessment

Proposals that are likely to generate high levels of air pollution, such as significant industrial developments, for example large factories producing high levels of pollutants such as Nitrogen Dioxide, OR; Significant proposals that are located in any Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) or would result in a significant increase in traffic passing through any AQMA.

Contaminated Land Investigation

When previous uses on or adjoining the site could have given rise to contamination such as landfill sites, former industrial and commercial processes, petrol filling stations, institutional uses, storage of chemicals (including on farms), OR; When an initial desktop and walkover study suggests that contaminants may be present.

Noise Impact Assessment

Proposals that generate high levels of noise such as noisy sports; industrial developments using noisy machinery, such as joinery workshops; refrigeration plant and equipment, OR; New housing adjacent to major sources of noise, including roads, railways and industrial sources.

Draft Planning Obligation/Section 106 Agreement

Where a planning obligation is reasonably likely to be required. The need for a planning obligation will depend upon the type of development proposed. Typically an agreement will be required for the provision of community and highway infrastructure. This may include items such as affordable housing provision, education, library, youth and community and off site highway improvements, in accordance with Local Plan policies. If you are not seeking to make a planning obligation in accordance with policy, a fully detailed and appropriately formatted viability assessment should be submitted in accordance with the current version of the Kent Viability Protocol. This and any associated review will be made publicly available.

Renewable Energy Assessment

Buildings (new build or conversions) with a floor space of 2,500 sqm or more gross floor space. Residential developments providing 25 or more residential units.

Retail and Town Centre Uses Impact Assessment

All new retail, leisure and office proposals, including extensions, outside a town centre of 2,500 sqm or more gross floor space. The scope of the Assessment should include:
The impact on existing, committed and planned public and private investment in a centre or centres in the catchment area of the proposal; and
The impact on town centre vitality and viability, including local consumer choice and trade in the town centre and wider area, up to five years from the time the application is made. For major schemes where the full impact will not be realised in five years, the impact should also be assessed up to ten years from the time the application is made.

Structural Survey or Statement

Where it is important to know whether or not the building(s) are capable of conversion rather than reconstruction for example barn conversions OR; Any application relating to a listed building where works are proposed that involve demolition or affect the structural integrity of the building.

Transport Assessment

Residential developments of 40 dwellings or more and other developments including non-residential proposals of 2,500 sqm or more gross floorspace.

Tree Survey and Arboricultural Implications Assessment

When proposals could have an impact on trees on or adjoining the site, whether or not the trees are protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or the application is sited within a conservation area.

Ventilation and Extraction details

All applications for hot-food take-aways, bars/pubs, restaurant uses and launderettes etc should include this information, and it will also be required for significant retail, business, industrial or leisure or other similar developments where substantial ventilation or extraction equipment is proposed to be installed.