Balloon and sky lantern releases
The council does not condone the release of balloons and sky lanterns. We would not give permission for a release from our parks or other council owned or controlled land/property because of the potential to cause serious harm to wildlife and other animals, and the environment. Even balloons marketed as biodegradable can take a long time to break down.
Balloon and sky lantern releases are often organised for events or to commemorate a loved one. We understand how important a commemoration like this can be, however there are alternative ways to celebrate someone’s life with much less impact on the environment. Search online to find alternative suggestions including blowing bubbles or holding ribbons or streamers in favourite colours.
A permanent commemoration could be to plant a shrub or tree, something to revisit and remember the person. We are happy to advise on planting a shrub or tree in our parks and on choosing a variety that reflects the favourite colours of the person being remembered. Contact us